Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Big words!  My brain on Hepatitis C.

My brain is on overload.  Last night I went to my first training on Hepatitis-C (which I spelled wrong initially.  Better memorize that one...) to prepare for facilitating a support group for my social work internship.  I learned a bunch of new terms and words, and, really, a bunch of stuff I didn't know about how pharmaceutical companies and medical insurance works in situations like this.

Hopefully not what I'll be doing... I don't like those swabby things; they make me gag a lot.
But to my great relief, everyone at the training was kind.  And friendly.  And really cool.  One woman had just got back from Uganda.  Another was a pscyho-therapist.  And a few were were vegetarians (I think vegetarians are so disciplined!).  But everyone in the room was socially active and passionate about something out in the world.  It was neat to hear about what they do every day and how they are making an impact where they can.

There's something encouraging and soul-warming about meeting individuals who care about other people enough to give their time and be in meaningful relationship with hurting people.  My breaths are a little lighter now, and I slept super well last night.  I believe (and no longer have to convince myself) that this grad school thing is going to work out alright, and it's the right thing right now.  I like it.

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